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Why Most New Year’s Resolutions Fail

Most of our New Year’s resolutions have to do with habits. Habits are difficult to change and resolutions don’t magically make them easier.  If you don’t change your habit, you are not likely to keep your resolution.

The key to successfully keeping your New Year’s resolution is to make realistic goals. And chart a course of action. If you desire weight loss on January 1st and don’t have a plan, odds are you won’t be successful. But turn it around and you could be planning today how to achieve that goal.

Start with switching up your breakfast routine. Once a week mix up a batch of egg muffin bites (or egg white). These are simply eggs baked in a cupcake tin at 350 for about 20 minutes. Just like cupcakes don’t fill to the top. Add whatever ingredients you want but try to incorporate a lot of vegetables. Freeze half and defrost mid-week. You can prepare this quick and easy carb-free breakfast in less than an hour.

The next week you can alternate your breakfasts with overnight oaks  (Sprouts sells the organic oats in the bins). Use mason jars, jelly jars, any jars. You can add flax and chia seeds, nuts, honey, and fruit; there are so many variations.

The key to any change in habits is to start small. Perhaps you want to exercise more. Start with a daily walk around the block. Habits are learned in about three weeks. After three weeks you can add a block to your daily walk.

Focus on just one resolution this year. Plan ahead and break it down into simple steps. Whatever your goals for the New Year, we wish you success in achieving them.

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