Home selling made easy

askphyllis real estate question, real estate q and A
Dear Phyllis,
It’s my job to sell my mom’s home and relocate her to a retirement home. My dad left her in good financial shape and while I want to get the most money for her house, my focus is on her comfortable relocation and not squeezing out every last dime. When minimally preparing the home for sale, what do you suggest? Jenny
Dear Jenny,
As a real estate agent, my job is to help my clients prepare their home for sale; it should not be your job or responsibility. Your Realtors should provide you with direction. For those home seller’s wanting to explore home staging their agent should arrange for a complimentary consultation with a stager. If that doesn’t interest you, and you just want to get the home on the market and listed, here are a few thoughts:
1) Have your Realtor® coordinate having your home professionally cleaned and the windows washed by a professional as well.
2) Are you planning on having the home empty before showing? If not, paring down furniture and accessories is wise. In absence of a home stager, your real estate agent should give you direction on what stays and what goes and then advise on furniture placement.
3) Ask your Realtor® if they recommend a fresh coat of paint. Neutral is still a good choice but remember a pop of color brings life to any room. If your mom’s home is going to be painted, your Realtor® should discuss with the painter the use of accent walls to vitalize and highlight certain areas.
4) With today’s water restrictions, getting your front yard in shape will be more problematic. Typically I find that most homes need a landscaping tune up. Have your Realtor® meet with your gardener so that the front trees and shrubs will be neatly trimmed. The front door and porch area should be clean and inviting.
Jenny, change your first line from “it’s my job to sell my mom’s home and relocate her” to it’s my job to find a Realtor® to sell my mom’s home; it’s my job to relocate her”. Best of luck to you and your mom, she is lucky to have you.
Call Phyllis @ 818 790-7325 or email her at [email protected] with your real estate questions.