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Selling a Haunted House

Selling a Haunted House
ask phyllis a real estate question

Ask Phyllis: a blog series of frequently asked real estate questions.

Dear Phyllis,

My daughter attended college in Texas, and we decided to purchase a home instead of her renting. It was one of the oldest homes in the neighborhood. Financially it was a good move. Here goes: My daughter and her roommates decided the home was haunted. They made a running joke about it. Supposedly things like cabinets being opened when they were closed and lights turning on by themselves. Silly little things. She is graduating this year, and we want to sell the home, but the Realtor I interviewed over the phone told me I would have to disclose this. I think it’s just young girls’ nonsense and maybe even pranks. What is your opinion? Sally

Dear Sally,

This is undoubtedly a different real estate question. I have been selling real estate for over thirty years and have never encountered a haunted home.

I don’t know the laws in Texas, but if this were in California, I would tell you to proceed with caution. Although I don’t know that I believe in haunted houses, I agree that this likely was just them pranking each other. First, try to get to the bottom of the issue with your daughter and her roommates. Explain if this was a prank, it has serious financial ramifications, and they must be honest. If necessary, discuss with them individually. If they admit this is a prank, keep careful notes of your discussion, date, etc. Perhaps even have them put in writing that they were pranking the other roommates.

Try contacting the Realtor who had the listing when you purchased the home. Perhaps you could get a written statement from the former owner stating they did not encounter paranormal activity. According to my electrician, flickering electricity could be a defective sensor or a potential fire hazard. It doesn’t necessarily mean ghosts.

In either case, I think it will be wise to consult with a Texas real estate attorney and have them help you prepare a disclosure.

Best of luck with your sale.

One thought on “Selling a Haunted House

  1. Sam says:

    All the disclosure requirements make me so nervous. I don’t think I would want to ever sell my home to a lawyer.

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