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Selling real estate during a challenging divorce

With over thirty years of experience selling Los Angeles real estate, I have had the opportunity to work with numerous divorcing couples. I understand that selling real estate during a divorce can be a daunting task. I have often encountered situations where couples, overwhelmed by the emotional strain, refused to talk with each other or meet in person to divide their assets.

Selling real estate during a challenging divorce

We take immediate action when it comes to homes with visible signs of anger, such as holes punched in the walls. We understand that such issues can send an unhappy vibe to potential buyers, so our crew is ready to patch and paint in these instances. Our concierge program can cover most of these repair costs upfront and reimburse them at closing. The Realtor you choose must remain neutral, as they are there to protect both spouses’ interests.

Some couples struggle to agree on anything during a divorce. They may argue over childcare, legal fees, real estate, and debts.  Without a quitclaim deed, spouses jointly own property acquired during marriage in California. Working together and agreeing on these details is important to minimize attorney fees. If not, it may be decided for you in court. If you can’t agree on the disposition of your home and other real estate, a judge may order its sale and decide how to split the proceeds. Both spouses must comply with the court’s decision.

Divorce negotiations should address property division. Additionally, options like one party taking on the mortgage or buying out the other’s share. Judges intervene when informal agreements aren’t finalized. Couples may submit their plans to a judge or face hearings where the judge may order property sales, mandating compliance. The judge’s order specifies the sale process, including pricing, listing, showings, offer reviews, and closing.

Despite any disagreements, couples need to follow these steps. If you’re hesitant about selling, reaching an agreement with your partner is crucial before the court’s final decision. Once the sale is ordered, it becomes irreversible. However, by collaborating on an agreement, you can maintain the home you love while respecting your partner’s rights. This approach can lead to a smoother process and better outcomes in the long run, giving you a sense of control over the situation.


One thought on “Selling real estate during a challenging divorce

  1. Nancy says:

    Selling a house and getting a divorce are both in the top five of most stressful life events. A true double whammy

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